
The Fanta brand global update created a bold, youthful, simplified target logo, supported by playful stylized graphic elements which combined to deliver the optimistic, fruitful essence of the brand. However, consumer testing for the US revealed the new design underperformed in purchase intent versus the older design. CMA was asked to make some adjustments to help improve the design. We focused on tightening up the central Fanta brand identity, reducing extraneous elements and subtly adjusting line weights and contrast to improve the sequential communication of brand, flavor, and benefit copy.

CMA rolled out the new design into nine flavors packed in cans, ‘fridge-pack’ paperboard overwraps, single serve PET bottles, and multi-serve PET bottles.






The cleaner CMA design succeeded in the consumer research study, beating out both the previous Fanta design and the global Fanta design by a wide margin.
